Catering / Wine pairings / Private cook / Master class

Catering / Wine pairings / Private cook / Master class Catering / Wine pairings / Private cook / Master class Catering / Wine pairings / Private cook / Master class Catering / Wine pairings / Private cook / Master class Catering / Wine pairings / Private cook / Master class Catering / Wine pairings / Private cook / Master class Catering / Wine pairings / Private cook / Master class Catering / Wine pairings / Private cook / Master class Catering / Wine pairings / Private cook / Master class Catering / Wine pairings / Private cook / Master class

Can organize small to medium size events catering, pairing for wine/beer tastings, private parties or regular cooking for the workweek or family event.

Have experience of more than 8 years in wine tastings pairings, master classes, bakery production, breakfasts menu development, private parties food preparation for up to 50 people, including grill menu, pilaf, starters, and many more.

European, Mediterranean, Chinese kitchen, etc.
Please contact me for more details and inquiries via WhatsApp. I’m sure I will be able to help you with your requests. Speak English, Russian, Hebrew.



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